They started with the children (which was fine, and easy given their low dex values), but now they've moved on to communications and, presumably, cars. I'm sure it's just a matter of time before they evolve to eat the internet and spit H5N1. Then we'd be fucked. The worst part is that humanity's second greatest defender (I'm busy), Indiana Jones, is afraid of snakes. And very old.
Things don't look good...
I have no idea what spitting H5N1 would entail, but I was reminded of this:
For the record, low dex coupled with low hp hurts them, I'm pretty sure low con values are going to be a big problem against poison as well. What we need are some dwarven kids to shore up our defensive perimeter around the playscape.
you are delightfully weird
Wouldn't dwarven kids grow up slower (longer life=longer childhood), so humans, despite their low con, will be a better long-term plan?
Longer lifespan equals more time they have to spend with the kiddies anyway! Besides, grown dwarven warriors will be even more adept with the growing snake problem. Think of it as a long-term plan against future attacks.
Trump card: humans breed faster. Also, nukes.
First thought in my head: does high con and dwarven immunity to poisons, paralyzation, etc. protect them from nuclear fallout? I figure probably not, but it's worth checking experimentally.
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