Friday, August 31, 2007

Greek Life

I kind of imagine this as a montage from the end of a Scrub's episode where all the subplots get tied together by JD narrating to really fitting music. Having said that, don't count on good organization of a well-defined theme. (the soundtrack is Fallout Boy's "I Have A Dark Alley And A Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Up").

Everyone has a collection of idols in their lives, people we lean on when reality lets us down. We all also all lose idols. It can be late at night around a fire, talking about how much of a whore a mutual ex-girlfriend is, or by foolishly looking at pictures of people you don't need to see. The story? I recently started playing an online Star Trek RPG run by a women who is an able organizer, excellent role-player and fabulous writer. Needless to say I grew to respect her, which, because of my...unique realationship with women, means she ended up on a bit of pedestal. Then she sent out a picture of herself and several other players at some geek-con (the fact that they went to some convention is no surprise, after all they play a Star Trek RPG). Sadly, she looked like a total dork (and not even a hot one). Should that matter? Fuck no. But I'm a guy, so my pedestals always involve a certain degree of attractiveness. Do I want to bang my RPG mod? Of course not, but I did imagine her as a little hotter.

Yeah, I'm kind of a monster, it's true. But at least I still have my RC.


Juicy said...

what the hell does a star trek rpg have to do with greek life? that's like, the anti-frat

a MUTUAL ex? this i must hear...

gbz said...

You obviously havn't paid enough attention to my titles. Look for more degrees of seperation.

1) "Greek Life" literaly refers to frats, etc aka college, which is where I just got

2) The greeks built pillars, pedetsals, etc. Now they've all fallen down.

Think about it.

Juicy said...

I was actually thinking more along the lines of a greek/geek ironic play on words, didn't think of the other one though...impressive...

gbz said...

Ooh, I like that.

Juicy said...
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Juicy said...

what can I say, I always did have the sicker humanities skills....

1:06 AM