Saturday, August 19, 2006

Sins Against the Father

Let me start out by saying that I'm a huge Lord the Rings fan (books not movies, though they're good) and I'm a purist. I've always beleived in 'geekiness for geeks', meaning that things that have traditionaly been geeky (Star Trek, LR, etc) should reamin at the fringes instead of being mainstream, like Peter Jackson's movies have done (I also really don't like the blatant plot rewriting that he did).

Anyways, I was looking around for a nice LR (I used the abbreviation LR instead of the traditional LOTR because thats what Tolkien used) hat to go with my new backwards-hat-punk look. I was hoping to find something with an onscure reference (hopefully so only hardcore fans would get it) like Gil-Galad (you may have noticed that in my blogger profile for a while, until I realized people might think 'gil' wa my name, not the Elvish word for star), but instead I stumbled onto an official site that had the audacity to put Tolkien's name on something selling fucking action figures. It made me sick. I may have liked your movies when they first came out Peter Jckson, but let me say this to you now: Fuck you.


Juicy said...

how are action figures any more commercialized than hats?

(Besides, a hat is cheesy, but to be forever immortalized in cheap plasic with key accessories, that's an honor.)

as for the mainstream stuff, sorry, i told you the day would come...("Fight the Power! (well, not really")

Juicy said...

oh, and so much for not talking about how important the Lord is to you...

gbz said...

Action figures are tacky and juvinile, hats that say "Ennyn Durin Aran Moria, Pedo Mellon a Minno" arent because at least they would stay with devoted fans.
And Tolkien isnt just The Lord...hes The Lord of the Rings!

SabilaK said...

I know one other person who's just as big a fan of the LOTR series as you are: Craig of fame.

Down with selling out, Peter Jackson, merchandising whore!

gbz said...

"Ennyn Durin Aran Moria, Pedo Mellon a Mino":
"Doors of Durin Lord of Moria, speak friend and enter"
...its the inscription at the entrance to Moria (where the fellowship gets in), theres another lines but its bascily just credits