Wednesday, October 03, 2007

LaserJet Blues

Security is important, but at some point it becomes too much. When I sat down at this computer (which is in the IT center), I had to enter my username and password to use it. Fair enough. To access my school e-mail, I entered the same username and password. To get into my Japanese class' site, I had to enter it again. Yeah, again. Then I had to print some writing paper, and we get charged for printing stuff so guess what: username and password again. It's not even different accounts, it's all my school account. Why can't I just be logged into everything (maybe not e-mail, that I can accept redundancy on) when I access the computer itself? And guess what? I also had to print a paper, which required that username and password four more times.

Why four? Well, the first time I printed it, I only got the first three pages. Hm. I tried printing the last seven (don't be impressed, most of it is data tables) and it didn't print anything, just the coversheet telling me I'd been charged 35 cents for the seven pages I didn't get. Fuck. So I tried again, and got the last four pages. The last four?! What the fuck? How does that happen, after I got the first three before? AHHRG. The fourth try, thankfully, was successful, and now I have my paper, after entering that stupid password eight times. Sigh...


Juicy said...

cool life JV, really, awesome.

(get a printer in your room, campus printing is a rip off, esp for long reading assignments posted online.)

gbz said...

I'll get around to getting a printer (and I have no reading assignments :D)

Terra Shield said...

Yikes I feel so old. When I was in school, we printed out at the library computers manually. Nevertheless, we were ripped off mercilessly most of the time too

gbz said...

How do you print "manually"? I thought thats what monks used to do...

Terra Shield said...

Hmmm... you give your floppy disk to the stern faced librarian who will use a battered old computer (but the printer was new back then) and then you will have to make necessary ammendments on your layout, etc, and then they press print. That's my definition of printing manually.

gbz said...

Well, nowadays you can be charged electronicly from any of the billion computers in the lab. And we use lasers (howver that works), we might even get phaserjey ones soon.

Oh, but you can't print in color.