Sunday, November 11, 2007

What Kind Of Lame Gaurdian Angel Is That?

So I was just staring at my laptop trying to think of something to post because I haven't recently, and failed. It's a common occurrence. Then, I was suddenly taken by the urge to visit an old blog that I abandoned a while ago because of inactivity. First, I went to the wrong site, which featured a post called "Ground Control to Major Tom". Dr. Koopon can attest to how I love saying that whenever I have some manner of head set or radio. Kind of a coincidence, right? Then I went to the correct site, the first post of which was about cinnamon toast crunch, my current-all-time favorite cereal (that recently made a clutch return to the dining hall...I don't know how much longer I could have lasted on golden grahams). Apparently "I am a dork" themed blogs know what I'm thinking.

What does that have to do with guardian angels? I guess when I started writing this last night I saw this as a gift from the blog gods because it gave me something to write about (as if something was watching over my blog). I usually can't remember why I titled drafts the way I did when I come back to them. Oh well, it's a byproduct of the magic (along with birth defects).

Can you believe textEdit doesn't think "themed" is a word? Am I crazy to think it is?



Juicy said...

Nexusy....but blogging about blogging? Things must be getting slow...

Oh, and I actually did have a pseudo (?) super natural experience that scared the shit out of me...

Anonymous said...

themed is most definetly a word (at least according to ye olde which is odd cuz textedit is usually really good with that sort of thing... i think...

by the way, we had a kid get on headset during the play last week and pull off a "ground control to mayor tom"-esk line VERY well. playing along while eveyone else was really confused kinda made my day (what can i say, my standards are low these days)
of course he also had the idea to play one liners from a "samuel L jackson soundboard" over the house speakers during notes after a rehersal...

"this is a tasty burger"

gbz said...

"-esk" is not word, folks. In case you were wondering.

Juicy said...

I think koopon meant "-esque"

Anonymous said...

yeah thats probly it juicy. never seeing it written and therefore having no clue how to spell it *insert rant against english language here* i just work with "esk." phonetically, its right (i think)

y'know, its probably french in origin isn't it? ugh... figures