Monday, July 17, 2006

random note

some of you may have noticed the link to "Mango Flavored Addiction" on this page (its on your right...keep looking...yeah, right there). its a blog written by a friend of mine (who comments on here all the time). they actualy know how to write well (and puncuate i think) so its a lot better than my blog, plus it often ahs real content, or at least stuff to think about. so i definately recomend visiting it, just dont stop reading this blog cuz no one does and if you left it would suck. really. i actualy put the link on origanly because i was gonna respond to one of their posts, but it turned out that i didnt have anything to say, and it took me so long to edit the hittl-mittl that i didnt want to undo it.

btw, HTML rocks my world!


Juicy said...

So....I guess I owe you a cat-shaped pen?

OSK said...

This scarring movement does nothing but feul my ambition to leave the amateur blogging scene in the dust as I ascend to a higher level of internet lifestyle and professional business. Pray for Ismyhomeboy.

This isn't the last you'll hear of this.

Juicy said...

wait...did you just diss my blog or gavin's?

PS: as far as punctuation and grammar goes...I'm not a they; that had me confused for a sec.