Monday, June 19, 2006

the movies

now don't get me wrong, I love going to the movies (at least when theres good ones out). having to pay 9$ for a ticket at my local theatre is not so fun, but oh well. i yhink the movie industry is in trouble though, partly because they've run out of ideas (half of the movies these days are remakes, sequels, or based on comic books), but mostly because going to the theatre is less of an experience. the problem is that people are getting big HD TVs and surrond sound, etc so they can get a great movie experience at home. some theatres are trying to come back by adding waiters and leather recliners, which is not only wreird but not the point of this post (actualy, the point of it is to get something up since i've written in a few days).

My point tonight is why people think going to the movies is such a great idea for a date. its become the cop-out these days, even though you dont get much of a chance to actualy interact with your date (cant actualy speak from experience, i must admit). maybe people like it 'cuz its easy (low pressure) or they get to sit close to each other in a dark room...actualy thats a good point, now i get it. maybe i'm just weird 'cuz i would actualy want to talk to a girl instead of make out with her (actualy that makes me a hypocrit, cuz i'd love to take a girl to the movies).

yeah...this was pretty much pointless...


OSK said...

Agreed, though it did give me a good laugh.

gbz said...

...and thats more than I can hope for with most of these

Anonymous said...

ur right in that its the complete cop-out. and yeah, next to each other in a dark room, everyone likes the back row for a reason...
cmon, im surprised it took u this long

~ur local dr k